
The Best Dog Ever

I have been told before that I speak in extremes. "This is the best spaghetti in the world!" or "She is seriously the cutest baby I've ever seen!" or sometimes even "Today has been the worst day of my life." Those of you who know this about me please know that when I talk about Harley now and call her The Best Dog Ever, she truly is the best dog I have ever known. A little while back, Harley was diagnosed with bone cancer. Since then, she has increasingly been getting worse. Harley is now in her last days of life, so I wanted to take a few minutes to remember her and celebrate the incredible dog that she has been.  Throughout the years of my life at home, we have had many dogs. Many as pets and many more that my parents bred and sold. We got Harley 13 years ago as puppy. She was beautiful, spunky, and fun. We named her Daisy. Quickly we began to learn her personality and saw that a dainty name like Daisy just did not fit. Harley was active

The Home Stretch

Well the end of the school year is just around the corner. Ten days. TEN DAYS! In honor of a ten day count down I thought I would stop and reflect on ten things I have learned from the past 170 school days. All conversations depicted in this post are completely true. 1. Pencils suck. I absolutely abhor them. Nothing disrupts a class like the errrrrrrrrrr of the pencil sharpener at the back of the room or "Miss Beach, I don't have a pencil." "Umm, how have you been doing your work for the past hour and a half?" *blank stares* 2. No matter how stressful a day was it all fades away when the bell rings at 3:35. And if it doesn't Moe's is on the way home. 3. If you turn your back for even a second, handmade clay turtles get smashed, erasers get jammed into the pencil sharpener (did I mention I hate pencils), and someone will get slapped. All of this happened just today actually. 4. Honest students are my favorite. "Yeah I flipped him off; he ca

Miss Beach, Miss Beach

My students say the darndest things. They are so funny. Being able to sit and laugh with them is definitely a joy. Below are some of my favorite conversations from student teaching. My current fifth graders are equally as hilarious but I'll save those stories for another day. Enjoy! At recess a little boy came to me with his hands full of clovers and dandelions. Him : Miss Beach, Miss Beach (my second graders always felt the need to say my name twice) What kind of flowers are these? Me : Those are just weeds. Him : Weed?! My uncle smoke weed! While riding the bus on a field trip, a police car passed the bus with its sirens on. Student : Man, I hate the police. Me : What? Student : I mean, I like the police... cept when they be tazin' me. Student : Miss Beach you got a man? Me : No I don't have a man. Student : What?! Then who holds the door open for you at the K-mart? Me : I open the door myself. Student : I'm just playing. They got automatic doors at K

The Weaker Vessel

Feminism?; My Thoughts on Other People's Dumb Thoughts; The reason I started blogging. These are all possible titles of this blog but I decided to go with the words of Peter himself, "The Weaker Vessel." A few days ago my little sister was asked this question, "Here in the bible Peter says that women are weaker than men, does this verse offend you?" The verse is 1 Peter 3:7 "Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel , since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered." Does this offend you? My first response to this question was anger. I was angry at the question. I was angry that some guy was telling my sister that she as a woman was "weaker" than he was as a man. Now I have no idea what the word weaker meant to him but to me he was saying less capable, less important, in need of the guidance and protection of a man, not as

Bloggin My Way to Hipster Status

Ahhhh. My first blog. I'm feeling...trendy. I guess I'll have to give up Starbucks or thick rimmed glasses that I don't actually need at risk of becoming too trendy. Luckily, I'm not much a fan of either of those things. I can't promise I'll be the best blogger. I'll probably be really bad at it (like I am with Twitter and texting) but you don't like, you don't read, I don't care. So what can it hurt to give blogging a go. The title of my blog came from a personality test that I took. My results: Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, random, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of structure, reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment. I'm not sure how I feel about this analysis but I appreciate the "at times" added in by the person examining my personality. It lets me assume that he/she meant some times, a few times, all other times you're just awesome.